SIMS4 CC // Next Christmas Collaboration
목도리는 바디 프리셋을 사용하면 형태가 많이 찌그러집니다.
The shape of the Muffler becomes very distorted if you use the body preset.
렌더링 시에는 꼭 블렌더 버전의 목도리를 사용하시는 걸 추천드립니다!
When rendering, I recommend using the Blender version of the Muffler!
Enjoy great collaborations!
Try using cool scenes, hair, accessories, and even poses all together!
↓Click to download Blender Scene (By Shoo)↓
↓Click to download Male Hair (By Hezeh)↓
↓Click to download Acc (By BR)↓
↓Click to download Pose (By Simdda)↓
This 3D work cannot be used for commercial purposes.
For more details, please check T.O.U.
In case of unauthorized distribution, we will notify you and take action in accordance with DMCA.
1. Do Not Re-upload.
2. Do Not Resell. All my work cannot be used commercially. [Non-Commercial]
3. Do Not Edit my meshs. Do not reuse my meshes to make your own creations.
4. Do not include mesh when distributing recolors. (Can be recolors for personal use.)
5. Do not steal my mesh & textures.
6. Do not convert to another game. (TS3, IMVU, SL, GTA, ZEPETO ETC.)
7. We own the rights to all of our creations.
8. In case of copyright infringement, DMCA notice and action will be taken according to the rights.