[SxBxS] Emptiness in Memory
Thank you to Shoo for beautifully creating a scene with an Eastern and Western feel, and to Beom-Ryeong for creating the oriental fan and wonderful pose!❤️
And it was an honor to be a colleague and collaborate with such an amazing group. :)
Enjoy great collaborations!
↓Click to download Blender Scene↓
↓Click to download ACC↓
↓Click to download Pose↓
· Don't re-upload, resell and don't edit meshs. · Don't convert to another game. · Don't include mesh when distributing recolors. · Don't steal my CCs.
· 재업로드, 수정, 재판매, 컨버전(타 게임 포함) 금지
· 리컬러 배포 시 메쉬를 포함하지 않아야 합니다.